Sunday, March 6, 2011


My friends often tell me things. I'm sure yours do too! Because that's one thing friends do, isn't it? They tell us things.

Often times they tell us things that end up not really mattering, like the alcohol content in one bar of Hershey's chocolate or what year the Japanese shogunate first learned of the existence of North America. I suppose these things might matter to you if you're deathly allergic to alcohol (or chocolate!) or if you're an East Asian studies major, but for the rest of us these things aren't exactly life-changing pieces of information.

One thing friends have often told me is, "You should write this stuff down." The 'stuff' they're talking about is my view of the world. And I'm not talking politics or religion or even optometry. I'm talking more along the lines of Forrest Gump. You see, at the age of 26 I've come to realize one thing: my brain works differently from other people's. Not because I say so or because I want to be special, but because time and time again I've experienced strange looks, befuddlement, bewilderment, even purely innocent wonder at some of the observations I've made over dinner or during car trips. Friends and family alike have many inside jokes which are essentially one-liners of my bumblings through life. And so, encouraged by these same friends and family, I've decided to share some of them with you.

Every once in a while, I'll try to dig up from my hazy memory some of the gems from times past; however, for the most part we'll be moving forward in time, updating this blog as life delivers us experience after experience. Not all of them will be funny. Some may even be quite sad or serious. However, I hope that you will enjoy and benefit from reading them all.

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